UA Local 855's
Official Newsletter
Word's of the quarter
Brotherhood/Sisterhood; 1: the state of being brothers/sisters or a brother/sister 2: an association (as a labor union) for a particular purpose 3: the whole body of persons engaged in a business or profession
Grievance- a cause of distress (as an unsatisfactory working condition) felt to afford reason for complaint or resistance.
(a) Should any dispute or difference arise between the Company and the Union or its members as to the interpretation, application or operation of any provision of this Agreement, both parties shall endeavor to settle same in the simplest and most direct manner.
The procedure shall be as follows (unless any step thereof is waived by mutual consent):
First: Between the Shop Steward and the District Manager or designees within 10 working days after the event giving rise to the grievance has occurred.
The grievance shall be reduced to writing prior to said meeting. The District Manager or designees shall give a written answer within 3 working days after the meeting.
Second: If the grievance is not settled at the First Step, the Union may make written request for a Second Step meeting within five working days after the answer at the first step. The Company shall set a meeting within five (5) working days after the request, or for such other time as is mutually agreeable. Said meeting shall be between 2 or 3 members of the Union, one of whom may be a Local No. 855 representative, and the Operations and Resource Manager or designees, and assistants. An employee discharged or disciplined may be brought into this meeting. The Operations and Resource Managers’ answer shall be delivered within five (5) working days after the meeting.
Third: If the grievance is not settled at the Second Step, the Union may make written request for a Third Step meeting within twenty (20) working days after the answer at the Second Step. The Company shall set a meeting within five (5) working days after the request, or for such other time as is mutually agreeable. Said Third Step meeting shall be between five representatives of the Grievance Committee, one or two representatives of Local 855, and the Vice President-Gas Delivery or designees, and assistants. The Company’s answer shall be delivered to the Union within ten (10) working days after the meeting.
Fourth: If the matter is not settled in the Third Step, the matter may be referred to arbitration by Local No. 855 provided the referral is made within forty-five (45) days after the answer at the Third Step is delivered. The matter shall be determined before the Arbitration Board within 120 Days from the date of notice of arbitration, except that in disciplinary cases, the determination shall be made within sixty (60) days from the date of the notice. The Arbitration Board shall not be empowered to add to or subtract from this Agreement or render any decision in conflict with this Agreement.
For (b) and (c) of Article X, see pages 33 and 34 of our contract.
(d) An employee disciplined or discharged may proceed initially to the Second Step of the grievance procedure. Grievances concerning such matters shall be filed in writing with the Operations Manager within 3 working days after the discipline or discharge, or shall be deemed waived. The Second Step grievance meeting on discharge or disciplinary matters shall be held within three (3) working days after the request unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon.
This procedure is what helps to protect our Contract as well as help us keep management in “check.” We as individuals, armed with the knowledge in our contract can have the power as a Union to overcome any attack from supervision no matter how big or small.